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​Grant Information


Not accepting bids at this time



PROJECT: REPAIR PORCH ROOF Description: The porch roof at GNAL was in severe disrepair, requiring it to be torn down to the base, removal of rotted wood, and installation of new roof, shingles, and trim. Work was completed on Nov 10, 2023 by Euqa Builders


PROJECT A: WATER INFILTRATION REMEDIATION - Redirect all runoff away from the building foundation. Correct poor property grading to ensure that water will not enter the foundation or basement in the future. Remove and dispose of existing fence (side and back) Remove and dispose of downed flagpole Remove and dispose of the old concrete steps that were thrown in the side yard Finish off area around the AC unit, install edging around the unit See Project C below: keep the new walkway in mind when designing water run off Obtain any permits

PROJECT C: WALKWAY Construct a new ADA compliant walkway from the back parking lot, along the side of the building that is not adjacent to the driveway. This walkway is to extend to the front of the property to enable those with disabilities to easily and safely access the existing ramp up to the front porch. Run appropriate preparation for future parking lot electrical lighting needs under the walkway. Obtain any permits

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